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Adolescence is the delicate phase of life

Adolescence is the delicate phase of life

“No adolescent ever wants to be understood, which is why they complain about being misunderstood all the time.” These are the most apt lines said by Stephen John Fry famous writer and poet…………..

Adolescence has been described as a period of “storm and stress”. Parents often have three concerns about their adolescent child:
1. Appearance
2. Attitude
3. Friends
But dear friends it is surprising to know that adolescents are just as concerned about the same things!………….

Adolescence is a time of major body changes due to an increase in hormones. It is a time of pimples, cracked voices and changing body proportions. The adolescent who is self-conscious may find this “changed appearance” somewhat distressing or unattractive and resort to brief meetings, even avoiding contact, with adults who are critical of him.
Adolescents are often influenced by what society considers attractive and many of them, especially girls, begin to diet (sometimes to dangerous levels). Their dressing may reflect popular fashion or what is considered desirable by their peer group – and it may be awkward, unsightly and also unsuitable for their size and personality…….

Bear with their changing mood swings and erratic behavior because Adolescent period is filled with intellectual and emotional changes in addition to other major biological and physical changes. It is a time of discovery of self and one’s relationship to the world around himself or herself.