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Milstones of a child’s growth

Every milestone— right from when baby first holds up her sweet little head to when she speaks her first word—“mama” or “dada.” is thrilling and will melt your heart …These moments aren’t just exciting and fun, they’re also markers that can clue you into your baby’s development.
During the first year of life, your baby will grow and develop at an amazing speed. Her weight will double by 5 to 6 months, and triple by first birthday.. Major achievements—called developmental milestones—include rolling over, sitting up, standing and possibly walking. Eye contact is one of the first milestones you’ll notice, and it’s a big deal not just because your baby is finally paying attention to you, and following you with her eyes, but also because it indicates that her neurological growth and ability to communicate are on track. She’s demonstrating that her brain is registering a familiar face. In a sense, she’s saying, “Hey, I know who you are.”..
But remember each child is unique & develops at her own pace and OWN timelines.