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Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness plagues up to 85% of all pregnant women. The medical term for morning sickness is “nausea and vomiting of pregnancy Mainly a feature of early pregnancy, morning sickness usually begins around the fourth week of pregnancy and continues until around 12 weeks when it begins to resolve itself.
For an unlucky minority, morning sickness can continue well into the second trimester and in rare circumstances, some pregnant women suffer morning sickness for the entire duration of their pregnancy.
As its name implies, morning sickness often strikes first thing in the morning but it isn’t unusual for sufferers to experience bouts of morning sickness at any time of the day or night.
Even a mild case of nausea can wear you down, and bouts of round-the-clock nausea and vomiting can leave you exhausted and miserable. check with your doctor as its fully treatable and manageable