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Adulteration and Health

Adulteration and Health

what are we eating ?????
Food is essence of our life ……..for our growth, development and proper functioning. Our body requires continuous supply of calories and nutrients for normal growth of cells, tissues and organs .
An adulterant is a pejorative term for a substance found within our food which is impure, unsafe, toxic and has deleterious effect on our health . ………
While traditionally, Indian families used to cook food at home with healthy ingredients and knew what went into the meal, in modern times, with rising incomes ,nuclear families ,working women and affluence, more and more people are moving away to readymade packaged masalas , cereals ,pulses, fast foods and eating regularly at restaurants. The food in many of these outlets is cooked with poor quality ingredients to attract and satisfy the palate rather than provide a wholesome nutritional meal. We are surrounded by unlimited options , varieties and of course choices are many……but are we aware that 25 to 30 % of food items in India are intentionally adulterated.
Food adulteration is one of the biggest issues in our country. It means the addition of ingredients that are hazardous to human health. Sellers add different ingredients in accordance with food items that are not easily identifiable by eye view.
Fruits, vegetables and edible commodities especially beverages, bottled water, cooking oil/ghee, spices, tea, sweeteners like sugar, sweetmeats and bakery products, milk and milk products can be easily contaminated by producers and from which they can save a few rupees..
The adulterated milk causes many diseases such as diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, headache and vomiting. Adulterated milk also causes kidney failure and pneumonia.
Usually in cities for better marketing wax coating is done to make veggies attractive & fresh for long & sometime also dipped in chemical water to attain the same results. Rhodamine – B and CuSO4 are some of the chemicals used for these processes. Liver, kidney damage and cancer are some diseases caused by these chemically treated foods but after all these serious health problems this is still in practice. Screen is used as sweetening agent in many confectionary products, instead of sucrose, which is harmful for health. Brick dust is added in chilli powder on the other hand lead chromate and metanil yellow is added in turmeric powder. Sugar and salt is adulterated with calcium carbonate, similarly urea is mixed in parched rice .Saw dust in coriander powder and cumin powder, sodium bicarbonate in Jaggery, coal tar dye in tea leaves, metanil yellow color in gram powder.and the list is endless……………..
Stoppage of adulteration practices may not be an easy task but creating awareness is not that hard. Be aware and alert !!!