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Cases of Depression Increasing in Women

In a 1.2 billion population of India depression is widely prevalent in women of all age grps .In the current scenario of under diagnosed, untreated cases of females suffering from depression, hurdles faced by Indian women include inadequate number of mental health professionals, lack of awareness, stigma, disadvantaged position of women, multiple roles, increased levels of stress, and domestic violence.
Depression is a serious condition that can impact every area of women’s life. It affects social life, family relationships, career, and one’s sense of self-worth and purpose. There are several factors that contribute to the unique picture of depression in women from reproductive hormones to social pressures to the female response to stress.
According to WHO, this is also the most important precursor of suicide and will be the second cause of Global Disease Burden by the year 2020, WHO states that the burden of depression is 50% higher for females than males …