Dr. Rachna Dubey is an obstetrician, gynaecologist and a preventive health expert with more than 29 years of experience. She has Graduated from the Prestigious King George Medical College Lucknow. She has worked in various big government hospitals of Central India. She has expertise in various important health programmess of Govt. of India. Her areas of interest are high-risk obstetrics, adolescent and menopausal problems, Health Planning, monitoring, implementatio, and awareness. She has an extensive experience in HIV, STI, RNTCP Strengthening.
Women’s lives have changed over centuries. Historically, life was particularly difficult for most women. Apart from numerous dangers and diseases, women became wives and mothers even before they finished their own childhood. Many women had a large number of wanted and unwanted pregnancies. In the past, childbirth itself was risky and frequently led to the death of a mother. Many women in the past did not live long enough to be concerned about menopause or their old age. Gynaecology a branch of medical science concerned with women’s health issues.
The word “gynaecology“ consists of “gyneco,“ meaning “woman,“ and “logic,“ meaning “knowledge.“ Taken together, it is “woman knowledge.“Hence It is important that every woman has access to knowledge related to the various spectrum of women’s health issues, and not only about her reproductive system, but about all aspects of her body. Dr Rachna Dubey has been a regular faculty for training and teaching medical officers on various flagship programs like NRHM, Contraception, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infection, tuberculosis, and skilled birth attendant. She is skilled in high-risk pregnancy management. She has expertise in PCOS and Menopause management. She believes that health is a state of complete physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual well being and not merely absence of disease. Hence holistic health for women is a platform to provide complete care counselling and treatment to women of all age group
- Certificate of honour for active participation in free mega health checkup camp 10th Nov 2013
- Felicitated by Dist. Red Cross Society Indore on International Woman Day for Contributions to Woman
- Conducted Marathon Violence Against Woman, FOGSI-ICOG National Conference Critical Care in Obstetrics 2017 Indore
- Joint Secretary Indore Organ Donation Society
- National Coordinator Public Awareness Committee FOGSI 2016-2019
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